Operating Systems
CIS*3110 (W12)

Course Outline

General Information

Regular classes: January 9, 2012 to April 5, 2012
Final Exam: April 12, 2012 @ 1430 (CRSC 116/117)

Instructor : David McCaughan (REYN 210 ext: 56467)
e-mail: dbm@uoguelph.ca
Office hours: by appointment (or see me after class)
Teaching Assistants : Jason Ernst (e-mail: jernst@uoguelph.ca)
Scott Dougan (e-mail: sdougan@uoguelph.ca)
(Advising: Reynolds 2nd floor TA area)
Office hours: TBA
Lectures : MWF 1130-1220 THRN 1307
Seminar : TTh 0830--0920 MACK 227
Discussion Forums : CIS Moodle Server
Web Page : http://www.socs.uoguelph.ca/~dbm/teaching/CIS3110/


This course is intended to provide an introduction to the topic of operating systems. It will examine the operation and implementation of modern operating systems with an emphasis on their general functionality and internal algorithms, rather than on details of any specific system; however, UNIX-based operating systems will exemplify many of the principles discussed in the course. Students will develop an understanding of operating system services, scheduling and resource allocation, process management, I/O control, file systems and fundamentals of network communication. Assignments are designed to reinforce and permit exploration of a variety of concepts fundamental to the operation of a multi-processing system.

Students entering this course are expected to have a good grasp of basic procedural programming, modularity, data structures and reasonable experience with the C programming language. We will make use of this foundation to explore issues of system programming, and the software environment that composes the modern operating system.

See calendar description for additional information (including prerequisites).


Required Text

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts (8e). John Wiley & Sons, 2009 (ISBN 978-0-470-12872-5).

Academic Misconduct in Computing

It is the policy of this department to treat cases of academic misconduct seriously. This statement is intended to clarify our policies with regard to academic misconduct in courses taken in the Department of Computing and Information Science, and to clarify penalties for offenses as outlined in the document, Penalties for Academic Misconduct: Dean's Guidelines, dated February 13, 1996 (all factual information and quoted material herein is based on this document; students are free to review these guidelines by contacting the Dean's Office). It is policy that all suspected cases of academic misconduct are referred to the Chair of the department for consideration and referral to the Dean of the college.

The Dean's Guidelines identify four offenses: plagiarism, misrepresentation, examination cheating and impersonation. The most common forms of misconduct exhibited in Computing are misrepresentation, and to a lesser extend plagiarism.

Plagiarism: is the "verbatim copying or close paraphrasing of another person's work without full and formal acknowledgement". Specificially, this involves material from a book, research paper or other source being used without acceptable referencing of the source material. This includes the use of segment of code or non-standard algorithms that were obtained by a student from a third party source, and used without permission and/or proper references. Penalties for plagiarism range from 0 on the assignment in question for minor first offenses to debarment and expulsion for subsequent offenses.

Misrepresentation: refers to the submission of material created by someone other than the student. This includes the copying of another students' source code, in part or in whole, or submitting assignments from previous offerings of the course. The Dean's Guidelines make it clear that "A student producing work in the knowledge that it will be submitted by another student as that student's work is also subject to penalty". Misrepresentation is a very serious offense, with penalties ranging from 0 for the course "...if a student submits material created by someone other than the student, whether purchased or not, the intent being to pass off that work as one's own", to expulsion for subsequent offenses.

Examination Cheating and Impersonation are less common, however carry similarly serious penalties.

Note that we encourage students to collectively discuss design issues or strategies for problem solving related to assignments. What is expected however is that the written work and implementations resulting from these discussions be independently produced by each student. Note that both the student who gives their work to another student, or leaves work where others may find it, and the student who uses the work are implicated to varying degrees. Please take care not to leave your work around, or leave a workstation without logging off. It is ultimately your responsibility to protect the integrity of your own work.

Last Modified: 2012 / 03 / 27