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CMPT 275
Winter 2002


 Course Outline 


 Course Material 


 Class Project 

 Online Resources 


Software Engineering I

Instructor: Qusay H. Mahmoud

Email: qmahmoud@cs.sfu.ca 
Office: 10880 ASB
Office hours:: Mon, Wed, Thu, and Fri 11:30 - 12:30. Tue 12:30 - 1:30 or by an appointment

Course Description

This course provides both an introduction to Analysis/Design, and an introduction to Software Engineering process. Emphasis is placed on the structured and formal specification of software requirements, the use of well-defined analysis and design techniques, and the systematic verification and validation of software products. Practical experience for concepts discussed in class is acquired through a significant, multi-phase group project. This project includes documentation evaluated for style, grammar, and spelling. Projects are done in 5 person teams formed during the second week of classes.

The objective of this course is to produce software engineers that are capable of building quality software products on time and within budget. You will learn abou the full software development life cycle from requirements to implementation and testing.

Copyright © 2002, Qusay H. Mahmoud , Simon Fraser University.