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CMPT 275
Winter 2002


 Course Outline 


 Course Material 


 Class Project 

 Online Resources 


Software Engineering I

Lectures and Reading

Important Notice: All the slides here are copyrighted by Qusay H. Mahmoud. Students in CMPT 275 (Winter 2002) are the only people allowed to use these slides for the purpose of the course and not for anything else. No one is allowed to use these slides without the permission of Qusay H. Mahmoud (qmahmoud@cs.sfu.ca).
Lecture Notes
Week 1
Intro to Software Engineering (Ch 1)
Week 2
UML (Ch 2)
Week 3
Requirements Elicitation (Ch 4)
Week 4
Analysis (Ch 5)
Week 5
System Design (Ch 6)
Week 6
System Design (continued) and Design Patterns, please see the patterns section of resources for more info
Week 7
Object Design, Code Inspection and Coding Standards
Week 8
Object Design, Code Inspection and Coding Standards, from UML to Java
Week 9
Testing, also check the Testing section of Online Resources
Week 10
Evolution. Cost Estimation. Process Improvement (CMM)
Week 11
Presentations: Monday (groups: 2, 8, 14), Wednesday (groups: 4, 11, 12), Friday (groups: 3, 13, 15)
Week 12
Presentations: Monday (groups: 1, 6, 7), Wednesday (groups: 5, 9, 10)
Week 13
Note: Last day of classes for the Winter semester is April 5.

Copyright © 2002, Qusay H. Mahmoud , Simon Fraser University.