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Distributed Programming II

Lectures and Reading
Important Notice: All the material (slides, notes, etc.) here are copyrighted by Qusay H. Mahmoud. Students in DCCT*4130 (Summer 2007) are the only people allowed to use these notes/slides for the purpose of the course and not for anything else. No one is allowed to use these slides without the permission of Qusay H. Mahmoud (qmahmoud at uoguelph.ca).

PowerPoint Slides for the Textbook: The textbook we're using for this course comes with slides (PPT format) and can be downloaded from this URL: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ken/book/New%20514%20slide%20set/index.htm.

Lectures: In addition to the slides available from the above URL (which you should download), I will be using additional slides that you can find through the links below.

Lecture Notes
Week 1
Review and Inter-Process Communication (also see slides from Ch. 1)
Week 2
Processes and Threads (see slides from Ch. 2)
Week 3
System Models (see slides from Ch. 3)
Distributed Objects and Java RMI (see slides from Ch. 4)
Web-based Distributed Computing and Class loaders for a Global Compute Engine (old slides but still relevant today as ever), Understanding Network Class Loaders
Week 6
Week 7
Intro to SOA and Web Services, More Web Services, IBM slide show, (see also the slides on web services available from the textbook's url above)
Week 8
Distributed File Systems, (see also slides from Ch. 5 - Stateless and Stateful Client-Server Systems)
Week 9 Security, (also see slides from Chapter 22 - Security Options for Distributed Settings)
Week 10 Time and Global States (also see slides from Chapter 23 -- Clock Synchronization)
Week 11 Coordination: Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Elections
Week 12
Wrap up
Week 13
Project Presentations
Note: Last day of classes for the Summer semester is August 3.

Copyright © Qusay H. Mahmoud , University of Guelph.