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Fall 2003


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CcomputerProgramming I

Course Outline

Instructor: Qusay H. Mahmoud
Email: qmahmoud@cis.uoguelph.ca

This course will have two teaching assistants, who are graduate students at the University of Guelph. They will be commuting to deliver the lab and will have regular office hours. You should try to see them for extra help or if you cannot make it to my office hours. But if the TAs do not provide satisfactory help, please come to me. Feel free to make an appointment via email. The TAs are:

Ryan Eccles

  • Email: reccles@uoguelph.ca
  • Office hrs: Thursdays 3:30 - 5:30
  • Location: GH308

Zhixin (William) Wang

  • Email: zhi@uoguelph.ca
  • Office hrs: Mondays 2:30 - 4:30
  • Location: GH308

Textbook: Big Java, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Note: This book doesn't cover all course contents (especially for the first 4 weeks), additional material will be provided.

References (on reserve in library):

  • HTML book
  • JavaScript book

Pre-requisite: High School Mathematics.

Grading Scheme: the final grade will be determined based on the following components:

  • Weekly Labs: 15% (one three-hour lab per week; total of 10 for the semester [1.5% each])
  • Bi-Weekly Quizzes: 10% (five in-class quizzes)
  • Assignments: 20% (five programming assignments 4% each)
  • Mid-term Exam: 20% (date: Tuesday, Oct 21)
  • Final Exam: 35% (sometime in December, to be scheduled by the university)

Letter Grades:

<50	 F
50 - 52	 D-
53 - 56	 D
57 - 59	 D+
60 - 62	 C-
63 - 66	 C
67 - 69	 C+
70 - 72	 B-
73 - 76	 B
77 - 79	 B+
80 - 84  A-
85 - 89  A
90 - 100 A+
Note 1: Students must attain an overall passing grade on the weighted average of exams in the course in order to obtain a clear pass (C or better).

Note 2: Academic Honesty plays a key role in our efforts to maintain a high standard of academic excellence and integrity. Students are advised that ALL acts of intellectual dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action by the school; serious infractions are dealt with in accordance with the University of Guelph's academic misconduct. Students are encouraged to read the university's statement on academic misconduct.

Tentative Schedule

Week 1 Intro to Computigng, HTML Handout
Week 2 HTML Tables, Frames, and Forms
Week 3 JavaScript (Basics) Handout
Week 4 JavaScript (I/O Dialog Boxes, Images, Decision Making) Handout
Week 5 JavaScript (Loops, Control Flow) Handout
Week 6 JavaScript (Functions, Form Validations, Arrays) Handout
Week 7 Introduction to Java, (Midterm, Oct 21) Ch 1
Week 8 Java (Statements and Expressions) Ch 3
Week 9 Java (Decisions & Control Flow)
Ch 5 & 6
Week 10 Java Classes and Objects Ch 2
Week 11 Designing Classes
Ch 7
Week 12 Java Arrays
Ch 13
Week 13 Review
Note: Last day of classes for the Fall semester is December 5.

Copyright © Qusay H. Mahmoud , University of Guelph.